About Us

Vitality through total alignment of the whole being is the fundamental core principal of Sunshine Natural Health Inc.

Established in 2006, by Sharon Botto, “The Innovative WorkSpace Chair”, highlights this principal.

“Your back is the structural foundation for your entire body, so it’s very important to strengthen it and keep it strong”, says Sharon.

Where do most of us spend our time?

At a computer or Desk—Home or Office?
At a sewing machine –for Crafts or Quilting?
At a card table – Bridge perhaps, or anyone for Poker?

I may be stretching things a bit with the last two, but for some home entrepreneurs crafts generate income – and bridge and poker are not for the faint of heart, with all those hours of intense concentration.

What do all of the above activities have in common?

You are sitting down to do them, and in most instances, you are “there” for a least a couple of hours!

Sharon, a Certified Natural Health Consultant, spent many hours at a Computer.  Working in a Specialist Cardiology Office daily and studying at home on the computer at night, the aches and pains from sitting all those hours began to take their toll.

“I was seeing a great Chiropractor several times a month, just to try and alleviate the extreme tension in my back, neck and shoulders.  My hips and legs pained me constantly and I was really in a quandary as to where these Golden Years were taking me.  I seemed to know enough about how my body worked and was nutritionally sound, but these aches and pains were getting the best of me”.


Then I received this marvelous chair as a gift and it has literally transformed my life.  I no longer suffer the aches and pains from hours of “seated work”.
My chiropractor has told me to keep on doing what I’m doing, because my back has never been better, and regular appointments are no longer necessary.

I want to share this experience with anyone else who has issues with sitting for long periods of time.  So, I offer this chair at an affordable price through my company, Sunshine Natural Health, Inc.

So come join us and be sure to let us know how it’s helping you.